Courses at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
- Acting
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- Acting (Collaborative and Devised Theatre)
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- Acting (Musical Theatre)
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- Costume Construction
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- Drama, Applied Theatre and Education
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- Experimental Arts and Performance
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- Lighting Design
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- Performance Design
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- Production Lighting
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- Prop Making
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- Scenic Painting for Stage and Screen
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- Set Construction for Stage and Screen
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- Sound Design and Production
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- Stage Management and Technical Theatre
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- Writing for Performance
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- Acting (Classical)
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- Acting (Contemporary)
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- Acting for Screen
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- Actor Training and Coaching
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- Actor Training and Coaching (2 Years)
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- Advanced Theatre Practice
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- Advanced Theatre Practice (2 Years)
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- Applied Theatre
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- Creative Producing
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- Creative Producing (2 Years)
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- Directing and Teaching
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- Directing and Teaching (2 Years)
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- Drama and Movement Therapy
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- Musical Theatre: Acting and Performance
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- Scenography
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- Scenography (2 Years)
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- Voice Studies: Teaching and Coaching
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- Voice Studies: Teaching and Coaching (2 Years)
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- Writing for Theatre, Film, Radio and Television
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- Writing for Theatre, Film, Radio and Television
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